Same day lost love specialist in brooklyn - Pretoria

Thursday, 13 July 2017
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Item details

City: Pretoria, Gauteng
Offer type: Offer
Price: R 800


Contact name amos
Phone 0712529304

Item description

I send this out, but not from lust,
This spell will guide us to unite,
free will remains with us tonight.
When you are finished, read over what you wrote and confirm that everything you want to say is included. When you are certain it is as you wish, spend some time meditating on your goal while you light your ritual fire or the charcoal. When you get "that feeling" (the one when you know everything is right, your will is focused, you know it is certain, you know the feeling...) prepare to begin the physical aspect of the ritual. When the fire has become coals, or the charcoal is glowing happily, read aloud your writing, repeating it 3 times. As you read, or as you come to the end of each repetition, sprinkle a small handful (about a tablespoon) of the Moon Incense on the fire. You will want to be practiced at this for the best effect as well as safety, so make up a full recipe of it and accustom yourself to its nature prior to the rite.
Fold the paper and keep it near you for three days. Keep it under your pillow, mattress, or pinned to your night clothes (if you aren't sky/star clad) while you sleep. After three days, light another ritual fire, repeat the Circle of Power/Protection, reading and incense procedure and this time, burn the paper when you are done. OR you can keep the paper in a special spell box if you use this method. Many witches have special containers to keep finished workings in. These are usually decorative and personalized with engravings or painting on them that echo their contents. For example, a heart shaped heartwood box with runes and magical symbols of love on it for this spell. Usually only similar spells are kept together, or each spell is kept in its own box.
Making Up Spell
A spell to stop an argument between you and another /or to change there feelings of aggravation...
1 Glass plate Purple in color. (deep purple if possible)
1 picture of the person. (Polaroid is best but not necessary)
place the picture face down on the plate for no more that 15 minutes at a time. If you don't have a Polaroid you need to have the negative of the picture handy, so you'll know where it is.
The person will either call or come by with offers of apology. in no more that 24 hrs. If they do not. do A treatment again for no more than 15 minutes. if by the 3rd treatment you still haven't heard from them try to give them a call. or go see them. because There feeling will have changed
Candle Money Spell
An effective candle spell for wealth and prosperity utilizes two black candles since black draws in all color and energy in the universe. Etch your name and the words "money", "wealth", "riches" and any other words of power along the sides of the candles. Then light the candles and grasp them firmly in your hands until you feel your pulse throbbing beneath your fingers, a sign that your aura is mingling with the candles' auras and that your intentions are firmly grounded in the candles.
Project for what you want, saying,
"These candles bring me wealth and riches."
"In no way will this spell cause me to suffer any adverse effects!"
When finished extinguish the flame with a spoon, candle snuffer, or your fingers (not your breath, which will change the spell).
Begin this spell on Sunday, Thursday, or Friday as these days honor the sun, Jupiter, and Venus respectively. Re-light the candles every night until the are completely burned down. Daily repetition will increase the spell's effectiveness and your own prosperity consciousness.

Prosperity Spell
This spell is best worked on a Sunday or a Thursday during the waxing moon.

Cauldron with burning charcoal inside
Basil, Chamomile and Sage (all are herbs associated with prosperity)
Cup of water
Dish of salt or earth