Has reaching a certain age got you thinking of yourself as a grown-up ? - Pretoria

Wednesday, 06 October 2021

Item details

City: Pretoria, Gauteng
Offer type: Offer


Contact name Thokozile
Phone 0764664351

Item description

I celebrated my life spent on earth few days ago and upon reflection I realise just how many of us adults carry wounded children within us.

Our responsibilities and everything else that we do to keep busy has covered up our childhood trauma and as a result we are blind to our childhood
trauma and because we cannot touch it, we simply cannot see it.

The levels of childhood trauma are different from person to person and it is the subtle trauma in the forms of struggling with fitting in with our peer groups, parental neglect or even abandonment were we tend to miss it! We are more open to recognising and calling out trauma once it's reached severe
levels such as (obvious) abuse.

As adults, we cannot take away the fact that we were once children at one
time of our lives and just because we have grown older it doesn’t mean the children within us vanish. It is in adulthood were we should awaken our
inner child from the unconscious parts of us.

✅We should (seek to) be proactive in fostering better and healthier
relationships with ourselves and our 'past' so as to set free that which has
been suppressed and respond to situations or challenges from a place of
LOVE especially were our own children are concerned.

-My birthday wish is to create safe environments for partnering, trust and connectedness which is what I have found to be the missing link with most
parents who wish to stop power struggles and parent differently from how
they were raised.
- I have reserved your share of the cup cake

--Follow on Instagram / Facebook @ Conscious_Thoko :
- For safe environments for ourselves as parents and for our children to
And learn MORE on
• What influences how you parent
• Five ways to cope with stress and build resilience
• Pick a colour and live a stress free life
• Awakening
• Positive messages from children's songs
• Identity
• Conscious parenting tip: Keep it simple

I cant wait to meet you, parents.
Conscious_Thoko on Conscious Parenting